Monday, July 11, 2011

Green Lantern~The Review

This weekend we went to the drive in and saw Cars 2 with Green Lantern.  I wasn't too excited to see Green Lantern. To be honest, I thought it kind of looked lame, but hey, Ryan Reynolds was in it so I figured even if it was bad, I could look at him for 90 minutes.

I've had a couple of days to try and figure out what I was going to write.  Two days to find one good thing about this movie.  I had a hard time.  I'm beginning to think that all of the good things about this movie are sitting somewhere on the cutting room floor.

First of all, I was somewhat lost throughout the movie.  There were too many unexplained connections.  The holes in the plot were as big as the Grand Canyon.  The story seemed too rushed. It was like one minute he gets the ring, he's the Green Lantern, he fights the bad guy, (that connection was too loose and confusing) saves the world and gets the girl.  Really, it was that quick, no meat in between those bones.

This is a super hero movie, which I love.  I thought there would be some cool action scenes.  That apparently was asking too much.  The action scenes were boring and really not much action.  

The chemistry between the characters was dull and they had no spark.  I even thought Ryan Reynolds was boring.  I find him to be sarcastic and witty, but the writing left him no good material to work with.

I think this movie had really good potential.  I really do believe somewhere, there is a good movie that got all studio~ized (yes, that is a word I just made up).  Hollywood big wigs came in and decided that the movie was too long and said cut it up into, well the crappy movie I watched.  

Sorry Ryan Reynolds, I adore you and think you are one good looking man, and aside from this movie and Van Wilder, I think you're a great actor.  I can't in good conscience recommend this movie.  If you want to see it, wait til it comes out on Redbox or cable.  Please don't pay to see it.

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